Thursday, 31 January 2013


child growth
Child growth and development undergoes many stages so that a baby can be transformed in to an adult. Every mother knows about child growth and development until her child reaches at one year of his age.
child growth

She knows well when her child has to hold his head and after how many months he can sit straight or walk but after one year, situation totally changes as no one can says that at age of one year, her child can ride a bicycle or wear his own shoes. Child growth and development stages are milestones for kids and these should be kept in mind.
child growth

First thing which is very important is that development in children varies. I is not necessary that all children can walk when they reach one year of their age and the reason behind is that fact is everyone has his own individuality so difference also lies between them. Mostly premature babies fall behind in development process than babies born on time.
child growth

Here a list of child development milestones is give though it will not tell you about whole development procedure but it will give you an idea of different levels of development of children. When a child reaches at the age of one year, he can walk, sit and stand with out support. He can play with his toys, put them in their box and can put blocks on top of each other. He can speak more words beside mama and daddy like give me, take it.
child growth

He can speak additional one to six simple words. At this stage you can teach your child like you can tell him about colors, shapes and you must not think that it is too early. If complete understanding of these concepts comes in child’s mind much later till then information gets recorded in his brain. When a child reaches at 16 to 18 months of his age, he can run and walk with maintaining his balance.
child growth

Children love to climb stairs, drink from cup, and eat with their own spoon at this age. They can speak phrases and they can point to the nose, head and eyes of a doll. They can pick a fallen toy with out losing their balance. At 2 years of age, a child can run and walk very well. He can play football by kicking it. He can speak his name and talk to third person. 

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